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Showing posts from 2013

Leverage Twitter to Market your Brand

Twitter has more than 140 million active users who post 340 million Tweets a day. It had 517 million accounts as of July 2012 worldwide, positioning it as the second-biggest social networking site. Here is another statistic to prove the influence of Twitter on business : about 82 percent of Fortune Global 100 companies have a Twitter account, more than any other  social network, and each company was mentioned an average of 55,970 times on Twitter. YouTube  is the second most popular platform among these companies  (79% in 2012), followed by Facebook (74%). If your brand can benefit from networking events (typically B2C businesses certainly can), then you should seriously consider investing resources on Twitter. Twitter is a barrage of conversations. It is a herculean task to manage.  You need tools to segment your Twitter followers into lists, and to monitor conversations on about you and your services. Customers are more likely to complain than praise a brand...